Mangalitsa x Heritage Pigs

pigsIf you’re looking for the “Kobe Beef” of pork, Mangalitsa piglets are the way to go.  What you may not realize, is that most pigs in the last 50 years have been bred to have virtually no fat, but be mostly lean meat. One of the advertising points was ‘The other white meat.’ But it turns out when you breed the fat out of the pig, it becomes tasteless. So people are starting to look for pork that tastes better, that tastes like real meat. And you can only do that with fat and marbling, and that is what the Mangalitsa offers.  

These piglets are raised for meat, they are NOT pets.

Pigs for Butchering

There are a few things to know about our pigs before ordering.  They are fed a mixture of hay, grain, and corn.  Everything is natural, and there are no antibiotics or preservatives in their diet.

If you are interested in having us butcher the animal, we will need to know at the time of the order.  Butchering can book out quickly, and we want to be able to accommodate your needs.  However, if you choose to have the pig butchered elsewhere, we highly recommend you contact the butcher of your choice at time of order for the same reason.  Check out our Price Index for current prices of each cut of meat for your order.

At the time of order, we require a deposit of $300 for a whole pig.  Our pigs are non-returnable after they leave our property for bio-safety reasons.  If you are not satisfied with the pig we have chosen for you, you may choose another if they have not been claimed by any other customers.